The novels will be released by Open Road Integrated Media and include The Good Earth, The Big Wave, The Promise and A House Divided.I should point out that "The Big Wave" is not a novel, but rather a children's book, also sold as the main story in a short story collection, The Big Wave and Other Stories. It's an exciting read, but certainly not a novel.
Personally I am a bibliophile and will always love books, but the geek in me also really appreciates the fact that I always have my mobile device with me and thus can always read my e-books, whether I am stuck in an airline terminal waiting to board, sitting in an office waiting for someone who's late for a meeting, finished the days work early with no concrete plans for the rest of my time, or have been forced to take shelter while out on a bike ride when a sudden storm crops up.
If I had my way, books would be marketed with optional download codes for e-versions at no extra charge. Because as much as I love the convenience of e-books, they've not come up with a way to capture the full experience of a real book. For one thing, real books don't run out of power, even after 10, 12, or 100 hours. They've still not come up with a really good e-reader bright sunlight. There are decent ones, but the costs are high. Because of that, I'm willing to take my paperback to the sandy beach, not so much a Kindle, iPad,
How great would it be to know that no matter where you got delayed, if you're also really wrapped up in a book, you could call it up on your mobile phone, e-reader or computer, read on, and find out what happens next? The biggest possible downside I see right now, even worse traffic jams. Pearl Buck's Peony often got me totally wrapped up in it!
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