Jim Minick Reading June 26, Buy "Blueberry Years" Online and Support the Birthplace
On Tuesday, June 26, 6:00 p.m. Jim Minick will be at the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace for a dual purpose event, sharing tips on raising wild blueberries and reading from his award-winning, 2010 book, just released on paperback, The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family. A variety of delicious, homemade blueberry treats will also be available!
The Blueberry Years captures the story of Minick’s experience creating and operating one of the mid-Atlantic’s first certified-organic, pick-your-own blueberry farms. For a decade, the author and his wife planted, pruned, and picked while also opening the field to hundreds of people who came to harvest berries. These pickers shared blueberry-flavored moonshine and sober religion, warm hugs and cool hats, and always bushels of stories.
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