The Little Levels Heritage Fair Announces the Pearl S. Buck Student Writers Contest
The Little Levels Heritage Fair, through a generous contribution by Mr. Michael J. Porter invites students to enter the Pearl S. Buck Student Writers' Contest.We are changing the format this year. Allegheny Echoes will conduct the Pearl S. Buck Writer’s Workshop within their event June 24 through June 29, 2012. One student from either a junior or senior high school class and one college student may enter and apply for a full scholarship to attend the Allegheny Echoes & Pearl S. Buck Writer’s Workshop. Teachers and Professors may also apply. Poet Kirk Judd will conduct the classes along with other featured writers.
You must write “SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANT” on the envelope when you mail your application. The winner will be notified as soon as judging is completed.
All students may enter for the cash prize awards as follows: 1st. place $50.00, 2nd. Place
$25.00 and 3rd. place $10.00. Age and grade level will be considered and prizes awarded in multi age categories. All entries must comply with the following instructions in order to be judged:
The theme is “Digging Up History”. All entries should be in the time frame of the early settlement of the Little Levels to 1973 when Pearl S. Buck passed away. All entries must be mailed or submitted individually.
Unlike many writing projects, we encourage you to involve family, neighbors and others in researching your story. Awards will be presented during the Pearl S. Buck Birthday Celebration at 4:00 pm, Saturday, June 23, 2012. Each winner must be present to receive their award or have a family member there to receive it.
Do not list any personal information on the front of your entry. On the back, lower right hand corner the following information must be included: Full name, complete address, telephone number and e mail address if available. List your grade level, school name and your age. List the category in which you wish your entry to be judged. Place your completed entry in an envelope, address it to:
Little Levels Heritage Fair, HC 64 Box 423, Hillsboro, WV 24946.
Include your mailing address in the upper left corner of the envelope, stamp it and mail it prior to April 30, 2012.
Digging Up History - The Genealogy of Pearl Comfort Sydenstricker Buck
Digging Up History – Farming, Gardening and Cultural Life of the Stulting Family
Digging Up History - History and Heritage in the Little Levels.
The judges will be professional writers. Entries should be only one page. You may type or print legibly. Be descriptive enough that the reader can visualize the things that you are describing.
Can you envision this room from Pearl’s writing
“Did I say I remember her best in her American garden? I think I remember her as well in the little square living room of the mission house, a room she had made pretty and American with white curtains at the windows and fresh flowers and wicker chairs, sitting at her organ on Sunday evenings, singing.”Pearl S. Buck writing about her Mother Caroline Stulting Sydenstricker.
Winners may be invited to read their letters at the Pearl S. Buck Birthday Celebration at 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, June 23,2012.
Pearl S. Buck College Scholarship
A $500.00 Pearl S. Buck College Scholarship is being offered for the first time to a Pocahontas County High School Senior. The scholarship is being funded by Mr. Michael J. Porter’s “Do Good Things” gift to the Little Levels Heritage Fair, Inc.
The winner will be announced at the PCHS Awards Ceremony and will receive their check at the Pearl S. Buck Birthday Celebration on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. on the grounds of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace in Hillsboro.
Each applicant must write and essay of not more than 500 words to reflect this year’s theme “Digging Up History”. The story should relate to the history or heritage of Pearl S. Buck and/or her Stulting ancestors in the Little Levels. The student must be planning to attend a 2 to 4 year accredited college/university.
The winner will be selected by writers and members of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation Board of Directors.
To receive an application, email littlelevelsheritagefair@yahoo.com. Subject line: PSB Scholarship App.
All forms and requested information must be completed and mailed to: Little Levels Heritage Fair, Inc., HC 64 Box 423, Hillsboro, WV 24946 and must be postmarked no later than 5:00 pm April 30, 2012.
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